It was just 5 days after Andy's 48th birthday when he suffered a sudden heart attack and almost lost what is probably the most precious thing to all of us – life.

In the months after, we wanted to make sure that we did everything possible to facilitate Andy's recovery and improve his health but he struggled to find the information and support he needed.  We took it upon ourselves to research nutrition, exercise, stress management, lifestyle and other factors that impact our health.  After months of compiling this information, we began to develop a need to share this knowledge with others, who like ourselves wanted to find a natural approach to better health – thus, Fortress Health was born.

Our mission now is to create premium quality, highly effective, natural products for people who are serious about their health.

So, now we invite you to join our Fortress Health family in the search for a better life, a life filled with more joy and less pain.  This can mean many things to different people, it could be the search for more energy or even better skin.  

Regardless of your quest, know that we are there for you - WELCOME TO THE FAMILY.


The information on this website is not formal advice, and you should always seek medical intervention if you intend on making changes to your lifestyle particularly if you are on medication or have an existing medical condition or are pregnant. This information is generic, and you should always make your own informed choice based on a full and proper consideration of your own personal situation.